torsdag 7. mai 2009

Ihhh! my Toyota is sick!

As I drove to work yesterday, the battery lamp started to glow in the middle of a trafficated highway. I was like "oh, nononononononono dont stop on me now!".. although as i waited for the engine to die.. it kept going. I asked some work colleges, and they said it could be the "Dynamo".

Apparently the thing that makes the energy that is stored in the battery.

I trird to call car part workshops, but they said my car were too old T_T ... its as old as me tho. I hope im not old.. O_O

So then i talked to a duude that earlier fiksed my car window when it fell off into the door and blocked the lock and open mecanism >_> (I had to climb either through the window, or from the other side at that time).

Tho.. he said i should check out the Toyota shop in the next morning to buy parts there.

And today: 7th og may. I barely got the car working, i got to Toyota a bit outside of town. ... but they lacked parts too >_>

they could order, but couldent fix it today. So i had to tell my work about my prob with coming to work X_X (i work in another town, approx a bit over an half houer to drive.)

Thne ofcorse my phone were dead, so i had to borrow a phone from the toyota guy. I didnt knew the number to my work place, so i had to call another person to check it up on the net. Luckily i could work from home today.

Tho i let the car stay there.. so i took the bus home. X_X didnt get home until much later cus i had to take 2 busses, then walk the last part.

Just hope it dosn't cost that much..

1 kommentar:

  1. Woh, hope your Toyota will recover soon!! Even though it loks quite cute being sick... XD;

    At least the day worked out for you! ^^
