Hi, My name is Lill, and welcome to my home! Press (alt+F4) to escape at any time, or be prepare to be bored!
I'm pretty new to this , so I'm just checking out if bloging is something for me. In my blog i assume you will be able to read about stuff happening in my life thats worth mentioning, about games (videogames or pc games) and possible dreams... since im a fan of dream details and interpretation.
In short: I like videogames, drawing, dancing, traveling, nature and lotta sun and heat.
I'm one of the Final fantasy 7 fans, which is as common as a brick wall. Anywho, i love it, among other classics like chrono trigger, suikoden, final fantasy tactics, fallout 2, diablo 2 and alot more.
And ofcorse newer games like Battlefield series, left 4 dead, Neverwinter nights and such.
As for music, im more a fan of new metal or whattya call it. Bands like: Rise against, Theory of a Deadman, daughtry and 3 doors down.
And.. I hope some day that i will get to try out dungeon and dragons pen and paper someday.
anyways.... that will do for this post.
Den virker jooo! o.O