Last weekend we slept over at some friends house and played some games. Among them, the PSP game Patapon 2. I played it a couple of houers and to say the least, I coulden't get the rytmn and patapon singing out of my head! Even when we saw the movie Porco Rosso later that evning, I had the tune in my head from time to time. And not to forget; later as i tried to sleep >_>
And it all mixed with the scary patapon tree's tune. Bon bon boon! + alot more bonbons.
Here is the "bon bon" tree
Typical patapon singing
You may have to skip a bit out in the video to more singing)
A fun, adictive dangerous game... which makes it a scary game, especially cus of the singing X_X
Heheheh! Cute drawing! XD
SvarSlettI wanna play patapon too! Maybe I need to update that software thing in my PSP, but I dare not. o.O