:) Last thursday, 14 may. Me and kenny had our 4 year anniversary. I kidnapped him after work to a restaurant in town called Big horn steakhouse. I had called the restaurant beforehand, so the the waitress had put up one extra flower thing in the window for us.
I had pondered allot what i were going to give to Kenny. And ended up giveing him a self made poem. Im not really the romantic type and I only written one poem before, but it seemed to turn out well.
And it looked like he liked it too.
mandag 18. mai 2009
tirsdag 12. mai 2009
buh.... my first car crash
I were going to work, as all other days, and were sitting in cew or what its called in english (alot of cars goin the same way slowly), and it were alot of start-stop-start-stop driveing, suddenly my thought raised to something that happened the day before that had a big inpact on me. And i didnt notice when the car infront suddenly stopped again. I went right on the other cars back.. T_T
Luckily the damages were just a few scratches on the black thingy at the end of her car.
My car had more damage, The right head light and side light were crushed, and probably the frame a tad bit in. -_- I gave her my phone number and address and we met later that day after work to fix damage papers.
Buh.. i feel so stressed now. gotta send the papers to my dad, cus i need his signature, then he gotta send it to the insurance company. Hope there wount be any trouble later on appearing in this case.
Luckily the damages were just a few scratches on the black thingy at the end of her car.
My car had more damage, The right head light and side light were crushed, and probably the frame a tad bit in. -_- I gave her my phone number and address and we met later that day after work to fix damage papers.
Buh.. i feel so stressed now. gotta send the papers to my dad, cus i need his signature, then he gotta send it to the insurance company. Hope there wount be any trouble later on appearing in this case.
mandag 11. mai 2009
Pata pata pata pon! UGh! I'm going insane Pon!

Last weekend we slept over at some friends house and played some games. Among them, the PSP game Patapon 2. I played it a couple of houers and to say the least, I coulden't get the rytmn and patapon singing out of my head! Even when we saw the movie Porco Rosso later that evning, I had the tune in my head from time to time. And not to forget; later as i tried to sleep >_>
And it all mixed with the scary patapon tree's tune. Bon bon boon! + alot more bonbons.
Here is the "bon bon" tree
Typical patapon singing
You may have to skip a bit out in the video to more singing)
A fun, adictive dangerous game... which makes it a scary game, especially cus of the singing X_X
torsdag 7. mai 2009
Wooo, Toyota is healthy again!

I got a hold of the "brushes" parts that the car-fix duude i know told me to get. I wouldent call it brushes tho, it looked more like a pair of metal rectangles with wires attatched.
The pic to the left is the old ones that were taken out of my car, they were supposed to be atleast trice as long. four times on the smallest one there.
Oh and yea! I'm glad the car didnt stop at the way to the fix duudes place, since it were a bit to drive. And now the warning light's off :D (except in this case the hand break light, but it were on at the time) :P

Ihhh! my Toyota is sick!

As I drove to work yesterday, the battery lamp started to glow in the middle of a trafficated highway. I was like "oh, nononononononono dont stop on me now!".. although as i waited for the engine to die.. it kept going. I asked some work colleges, and they said it could be the "Dynamo".
Apparently the thing that makes the energy that is stored in the battery.
I trird to call car part workshops, but they said my car were too old T_T ... its as old as me tho. I hope im not old.. O_O
So then i talked to a duude that earlier fiksed my car window when it fell off into the door and blocked the lock and open mecanism >_> (I had to climb either through the window, or from the other side at that time).
Tho.. he said i should check out the Toyota shop in the next morning to buy parts there.
And today: 7th og may. I barely got the car working, i got to Toyota a bit outside of town. ... but they lacked parts too >_>
they could order, but couldent fix it today. So i had to tell my work about my prob with coming to work X_X (i work in another town, approx a bit over an half houer to drive.)
Thne ofcorse my phone were dead, so i had to borrow a phone from the toyota guy. I didnt knew the number to my work place, so i had to call another person to check it up on the net. Luckily i could work from home today.
Tho i let the car stay there.. so i took the bus home. X_X didnt get home until much later cus i had to take 2 busses, then walk the last part.
Just hope it dosn't cost that much..
onsdag 6. mai 2009
Introduction to my little dysletic realm!

Hi, My name is Lill, and welcome to my home! Press (alt+F4) to escape at any time, or be prepare to be bored!
I'm pretty new to this , so I'm just checking out if bloging is something for me. In my blog i assume you will be able to read about stuff happening in my life thats worth mentioning, about games (videogames or pc games) and possible dreams... since im a fan of dream details and interpretation.
In short: I like videogames, drawing, dancing, traveling, nature and lotta sun and heat.
I'm one of the Final fantasy 7 fans, which is as common as a brick wall. Anywho, i love it, among other classics like chrono trigger, suikoden, final fantasy tactics, fallout 2, diablo 2 and alot more.
And ofcorse newer games like Battlefield series, left 4 dead, Neverwinter nights and such.
As for music, im more a fan of new metal or whattya call it. Bands like: Rise against, Theory of a Deadman, daughtry and 3 doors down.
And.. I hope some day that i will get to try out dungeon and dragons pen and paper someday.
anyways.... that will do for this post.
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