Comander "Lill" Shepard, how i wanted her to look like! :P
After i finished Mana khemia, i went through what other games i wanted to play, and i noticed Mass effect lying in the budle of alot of pc games.. well in a shelf, but "bundle" is fun to say.. XD
I had a savegame from before, but i didnt know if i had lost alot, since when i played it, my Hardisk crashed, so i were unsure if i got the last save file.
I crossed my fingers as i installed the game,... and luckily! the save file i had stored seemed to be little, or no loss at all!
So with more energy, i began playing from where i left off. And now im hooked again ^^
Especially since i know i can use my save file on the new masseffect 2 game comeing later.
In the mass effect game, you can choose if you wanna be good or bad. And im playing as a good person :D so kind desitions is what i prefer. O_O i would only feel bad if i played like a renegade.
Oooh, Mass Effect! Is it fun?
SvarSlettBEen wondering if I should get it for my 360.
Oh, i like it, (altho it has a bit boring sidequests at times) It's not your typical RPG tho. Its like KOTOR if you heared of it.
SvarSlettThe star wars rpg, (knights of the old republic).
Im not sure to recomend it if you like mostly japanese rpg's :)